fredag 24. april 2009

Hvem stakk av med mojo`n min?

OMG.I think someone has stolen my mojo.It seems to have gone in stages during the night.How can i get it back? I think it happened the same way as in the movie "The mummy". It was sucked out of me during sleeping.Nothing i do these days seem to interest women at all.
Maybe the best thing to do, is to stay home, indoors for a few weeks, and watch "Freaks and geeks" on dvd...Man.Maybe i try to hard? The funny thing is that i never go out to flirt. And it just end up with the girls that i dont want.
I think i will move to Bosnia and become a trofe-man, and just let my future ex-wife do the job.I fit best in the home, cooking and take care of the kids.
Im out.

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